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2024-03-21 17:06     (查看次数)

艾力江·阿卜杜如苏力  博士
出生年月: 1990年2月
最高学位: 博士
导师类别: 专业型硕导
邮箱: ailijiang18@mails.ucas.ac.cn
电话: 13109977911
   2023.11 - 至今新疆大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师
   2021.11 - 2023.08  南京理工大学,材料科学与工程学院(格莱特研究院),博士后
   2018.09 - 2021.6 中国科学院大学,新疆理化技术研究所,博士学位
   2015.09 - 2018.6 新疆大学,物理科学与技术学院,硕士学位
   2. 新型半导体材料的设计和研发(硫属化合物的探索及性能表征)
   3. 第一性原理计算
   4. 半导体纳米晶的设计与合成
   1.2021-1 至 2023-12,新疆维吾尔自治区区域协同创新专项项目, 极端气候条件下使役红外光学窗口材料的晶体生长及器件研制,课题经费: 40 万元,参与
   2.2022-01 至 2022-12,分子反应动力学国家重点实验室, 开放课题, 通过空间维度调控钙钛矿纳米晶中热载流子动力学研究, 5 万元,参与
   3.2023-01 至 2023-12,分子反应动力学国家重点实验室,开放课题,二维无机钙钛矿中非线性激子多体作用研究,5 万元,参与。
   1.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Junben Huang, Peng Wang, Zhihua Yang, Shilie Pan, Junjie Li "Li4MgGe2S7: The First Alkali and Alkaline-Earth Diamond-Like Infrared Nonlinear Optical Material with Exceptional Large Band Gap", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60, 24131-24136.
   2.Wenbing Cai, Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Congwei Xie, Evgenii Tikhonov, Junjie Li, Zhihua Yang, Shilie Pan "Toward the Rational Design of Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Materials with Targeted Properties via a Multi-Level Data-Driven Approach" Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2200231-2200238。
   3.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Junjie Li, Shilie Pan, "A review on synthesis and characterization of infrared nonlinear optical materials with good application prospects" Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50, 3155-3160.
   4.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Junjie Li, Tinghao Tong, Zhihua Yang, and Shilie Pan, "LiBa4Ga5Q12 (Q = S, Se): Noncentrosymmetric Metal Chalcogenides with a Cesium Chloride Topological Structure Displaying a Remarkable Laser Damage Threshold", Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 5674-5682.
   5.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Kui Wu, Abudukadi Tudi, Zhihua Yang and Shilie Pan "ABaSbQ3 (A = Li, Na; Q = S, Se): diverse arrangement modes of isolated SbQ3 ligands regulating the magnitudes of birefringences", Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 5143-5146.
   6.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Kui Wu, Junjie Li, Alimujiang Yalikun, Zhihua Yang, and Shilie Pan, "LiBa2MIIIQ4 (MIII = Al, Ga, In; Q = S, Se): A Series of Metal Chalcogenides with a Structural Transition". Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 12859-12866.
   7.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Kui Wu, Yilimiranmu Rouzhahong, Zhihua Yang and Shilie Pan "Na6Zn3MIII2Q9 (MIII = Ga, In; Q = S, Se): four new supertetrahedron-layered chalcogenides with unprecedented vertex-sharing T3-clusters and desirable photoluminescence performances", Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5, 1415-1422.
   8.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Kui Wu, Yilimiranmu Rouzhahong, Zhihua Yang and Shilie Pan"NaBaMIIIQ3 (MIII = Al, Ga; Q = S, Se): first quaternary chalcogenides with isolated edge-sharing (MIII2Q6)6− dimers", Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 16044-16047.
   9.Jingmei Min, Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Junjie Li, Shilie Pan and Zhihua Yang "Enhanced Optical Anisotropy via Dimensional Control in the Alkali-metal Chalcogenides". Physical chemistry chemical physics, 2020, 22, 19697-19703.
   10.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Kui Wu and Shilie Pan, "Four new quaternary chalcogenides A2Ba7Sn4Q16 (A = Li, Na; Q = S, Se): syntheses, crystal structures determination, nonlinear optical performances investigation", New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 3350-3355.
   11.Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Hanqin Ding, Kui Wu "Synthesis and characterization of two lead-containing metal chalcogenides: Ba5Pb2Sn3S13 and Ba6PbSn3Se13", Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 255, 133-138.
   12.Hongbo Gao, Kewang Zhang, Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Chen Bai, Zhihua Yang, Kangrong Lai, Junjie Li, Shilie Pan "Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Diamond-Like Compounds Li2MgMSe4 (M = Ge, Sn)", Materials, 2021, 14(20), 6166-6174.
   13.Hongbo Gao, Ruijiao Chen, Kewang Zhang, Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Kangrong Lai, Junjie Li "Synthesis, characterization and theoretical investigation of a new chalcohalide, Ba4GaS4F3", Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50(18), 6315-6320.
   14. 周嘉政,楚羽,李俊杰,艾力江•阿卜杜如苏力,蒋相站,黄以能,潘世烈 "Ba7AgGa5S15: 一种新型混合金属硫化物的非线性光学性能研究", 人工晶体学报,2020,49,1510-1516.
   15.Yilimiranmu Rouzhahong, Bingbing Zhang, Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Shilie Pan, and Zhihua Yang "Be2CO3F2 Monolayer: A Flexible Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Material via Rational Design", Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 7715-7721.
   16.Abudukadi Tudi, Shujuan Han, Ailijiang Abudurusuli, Haohai Yu, Zhihua Yang and Shilie Pan "Structural modulation induced by MIIIA metals in Ba3MQ4X (M = Al, Ga, In; Q = S, Se; X = Cl, Br): an experimental and computational analysis", Dalton transactions, 2019, 48, 12713-12719.
   1. 潘世烈(导师),李俊杰(导师),艾力江·阿卜杜如苏力硫锗镁锂中远红外非线性光学晶体及制备方法和应用, 中国发明专利
   2. 潘世烈(导师),李俊杰(导师),杨志华(导师),蔡文兵,艾力江·阿卜杜如苏力,硒镓锂中远红外非线性光学晶体及制备方法和应用,中国发明专利


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