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2024-03-28 17:31     (查看次数)

买买提艾力•巴克  副教授
办公室: 博达校区物理楼A324
E_mail: mabake@xju.edu.cn

买买提艾力·巴克(艾力),1982年7月出生,男,维吾尔族,理学博士,副教授,博士生导师,第十、十一届高能物理分会委员。 2014年6月获北京师范大学核科学与技术学院理论物理理学博士学位,北京师范大学优秀毕业生。2014年9月进入新疆大学物理科学与技术学院工作,主要研究方向包括强场物理,激光等离子体物理理论和模拟,激光等离子体相互作用中的非线性效应等。人力资源与社会保障部、新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府2021年度(第五批)少数民族科技骨干特殊培养计划入选,2021年9月—2022年7月在北京师范大学访问。2011年以来发表相关论文40余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇。作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金项目三项、省部级项目一项、校级项目一项;作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金面上项目一项、青年项目一项、地区项目三项。

   [1]“激光等离子体相互作用中产生超短极化伽马射线的研究”, 国家自然科学基金地区项目(No. 12265024), 2023/01-2026/12,32万、项目负责人。
   [2] “基于强激光非线性康普顿散射的超亮涡旋伽马射线源及其应用”,新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金面上项目(No. 2022D01C421), 2022/12-2025/12,10万、项目负责人。
   [3]“最优控制理论和量子动力学理论相结合研究空间均匀含时强场中正负电子对产生及其优化”, 国家自然科学基金地区项目(No. 11964038),2020/01-2023/12,26万元、参加。
   [4]“极端强激光与等离子体相互作用中的非线性量子电动力学问题研究”, 国家自然科学基金地区项目(No. 11664039), 2017/01-2020/12,42万、项目负责人。
   [5]“强激光与等离子体固体靶相互作用加速离子及其参数优化研究”, 国家自然科学基金理论物理转款项目(No.11547121),2016/01-2016/12,5万,项目负责人。
   [6] “强激光驱动的靶后鞘层离子加速机制中热电子产生和分布机理研究”, 新疆大学博士启动基金(No. BS150216), 2016/01, 5万,项目负责人。
   [7]“重标量粒子支配宇宙时的非对称暗物质残留密度研究”, 国家自然科学基金地区项目(No.11765021),2018/01-2021/12,40万元、参加。
   [8]“基于光纤激光器的介电光栅加速器的研究”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.11575150),2016/01-2019/12,62万,参加。
   [10]“利用暗物质观测来研究早期宇宙学”, 国家自然科学基金地区项目(NO. 11047009),2011/01-2013/12,15万,参加。
   [1]S. Tang, Y. Xin, M. Wen, M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)* and B. S. Xie. “Fully polarized Compton scattering in plane waves and its polarization transfer”. Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 9, 035201 (2024).
   [2]M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*. “Enhanced vacuum pair production by combination of two spatially separated electric fields”. Results in Physics, 5, 107486, (2024).
   [3]E. Osman, J. H. Bai, Z. Y. Chen, and M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*. “Efficient vacuum pair production in frequency chirped electric fields with spatiotemporal inhomogeneity”. Results in Physics, 55, 107195, (2023).
   [4]O. Amat, L. N. Hu, M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克), M. Mohamedsedik, and B. S. Xie*. “Effect of spatially oscillating field on Schwinger pair production”. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 108(5), 056011, (2023).
   [5]C. W. Zhang, M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*, H. Xiao, H. B. Sang, and B. S.  Xie. “Generation of bright collimated vortex γ-ray via laser driven cone-fan target”. Physics of Plasmas, 23(7), 023105, (2023).
   [6]O. Amat, L. N. Hu, A. Sawut, M. Mohamedsedik, M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克), and B. S. Xie*. “Schwinger pair production rate and time for some space-dependent fields via worldline instantons formalism”. Eur. Phys. J. D, 76:188, (2022).
   [7]M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*. “Proton acceleration in vacuum using frequency-chirped laser pulses”. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 1038, 166929, (2022). (独立作者)
   [8]M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*, S, Tang, B. S. Xie. “Bright γ-ray source with large orbital angular momentum from the laser near-critical-density plasma interaction”, Plasma Science and Technology, 24(9), 095001, 2022.
   [9]A. Elaji, M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*, S, Tang, B. S. Xie. “Bright attosecond polarized 𝛾-ray emission from the interaction of an intense laser pulse with non-uniform near-critical-density plasma”, Chinese Journal of Physics, 77, 2751, 2022.
   [10]A. Tursun, M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*,B. S. Xie, Y. Niyazi, and A. Abudirixit. “Ultrabright γ-ray emission from the interaction of an intense laser pulse with a near-critical-density plasma”, Chinese Physics B,30 (11), 115202, 2021.
   [11]M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*,A. Elaji. “Photon and positron production by ultrahigh-intensity laser interaction with various plasma foils”, Plasma Science and Technology,23(4), 045001, 2021.
   [12]M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克)*,A. Tursun,A. Aimidula, B. S. Xie. “Two-stage γ ray emission via ultrahigh intensity laser pulse interaction with a laser wakefield accelerated electron beam”, Plasma Science and Technology,22(10), 105201, 2020.
   [13]N. Yasen, Y. J. Hou, H. B. Sang, M. A. Bake, and B. S. Xie*. “Enhancement of proton collimation and acceleration by an ultra-intense laser interacting with a cone target followed by a beam collimator”, Plasma Science and Technology, 21(4), 045201, 2019.
   [14]M. A. Bake(买买提艾力·巴克) *, A. Aimidula, A. Zakir, and N. Abdukerim. “Photon and positron generation by ultrahigh intensity laser interaction with electron beams”,Frontiers of Physics, 13(4), 135202, 2018.
   [15]N. Yasen, Y. J. Hou, C. Lv, F. Wan, I. SITIWALDI, H. B. Sang, M. A. Bake , and B. S. Xie*. “Fast electrons collimating and focusing by an ultraintense laser interacting with a high-density layer”, Plasma Science and Technology, 20(12), 125201, 2018.
   [16]Y. J. Hou, C. Lv, F. Wan, N. Yasen, M. A. Bake, H. B. Sang, and B. S. Xie*. “Transverse magnetic field effect on the transport of relativistic electrons beam in laser irradiating plasmas”, Physics of Plasmas, 24(12), 123110, 2017.
   [17]M. A. Bake, A. Aimidula*, F. Xiaerding and R. Rashidin. “Enhanced proton acceleration by intense laser interaction with an inverse cone target”, Physics of Plasmas, 23(7), 083107, 2016.
   [18]M. A. Bake *, A. Aimidula, A. Zakir. “Two-stage proton acceleration by laser plasma interaction”,  HIGH POWER LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 28(11),112003,2016.
   [19] M. A. Bake, B. S. Xie*, A. Aimidula, and H. Y. Wang. “Efficient proton acceleration and focusing by an ultraintense laser interacting with a parabolic double concave target with an extended rear”, Physics of Plasmas, 20(7), 074503, 2013.
   [20]M. A. Bake, B. S. Xie*, S. Zhang, and H. Y. Wang. “Energetic protons from an ultraintense laser interacting with a symmetric parabolic concave target”, Physics of Plasmas, 20(3), 033112, 2013.
   [21]M. A. Bake, S. Zhang, B. S. Xie*, X. R. Hong and H. Y. Wang. “Energy enhancement of proton acceleration in combinational radiation pressure and bubble by optimizing plasma density”, Physics of Plasmas, 19(8), 083103, 2012.
   [22]M. A. Bake, B. S. Xie*, S. Dulat and A. Amidala. “Electron acceleration in wakefield and supra-bubble regimes by ultraintense laser with asymmetric pulse”, Commun. Theor. Phys. 55, 883, 2011.
   [23]S. Tang, M. A. Bake, H. Y. Wang, and B. S. Xie*. “QED cascade induced by high energy γ photon in strong laser field”, Physical Review A, 89(2), 022105. 2014.
   [24]A. Aimidula, M. A. Bake, B. S. Xie*, and C. P. Welsch, G. Xia, O. Mete, M. Uesaka,Y. Matsumura, M. Yoshida, and K. Koyama. “Numerically optimized structures for dielectric asymmetric dual-grating laser accelerators”, Physics of Plasmas, 21(2), 023110, 2014.
   [25]O. Oluk, B. S. Xie*, M. A. Bake, and S. Dulat. “Electron-positron pair production in a strong asymmetric laser electric field”, Frontiers of Physics, 9(2), 157, 2014.
   [26]D. Lu, X. Y. Zhao, B. S. Xie*, M. A. Bake, H. B. Sang and H. C. Wu. “Electrons trajectories around a bubble regime in intense laser plasma interaction”, Physics of Plasmas, 20(6), 063104, 2013.
   [1] 买买提艾力·巴克,亚生·尼亚孜.新形势下的大学物理课程改革方法浅谈. 新教育时代, 44,pp160-162,2023.
   [2] 买买提艾力·巴克.高校物理教学中学生创新能力的培养思考. 教育研究, 5(4),pp204-205,2023.
   [3] 买买提艾力·巴克,艾尔肯·扎克尔*. 物理专业实验教学改革的研究. 课程教育研究, 30,pp16-17,2017.
   [4] 买买提艾力·巴克. 本科阶段开设等离子体物理基础课程的重要性. 亚太教育, 57(6下),pp88,2016.


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